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Just going places

As many of you who know me know, my family and I are laid back. We love what we do for a living, we’re simple people, and have the privilege of living a very comfortable life as we’ve climbed the ladder in our careers.

From the beginning, we wanted Emma to not just see but experience the world. With Ben and I being just two kids from the city (Me from Brooklyn, NY) and country (Ben from a dot somewhere in the western part of Germany 🧐), traveling the world wasn’t something we had the chance to do growing up. But through hard work and success, we as individuals and together started traveling. And since Emma was 4 months old, she’s been tagging along for the ride. ❤️

In fact, Emma is her best self when we travel. And I’ve found nothing but joy in being able to experience the world (literally) through her eyes. She blossoms in every way when exposed to different places, people, cultures and adventure. And part of me wants to argue that if the opportunity allowed for it, we’d home school her and travel the world more often than we do now.

Headed back from the west coast this weekend (Seattle & the San Juan Islands to whale watch; more on that in posts on Instagram), we realized that while gifting trips to family, friends and folks who wouldn’t otherwise be able to go is great (we have, currently do, and love it), we want to share our tips and guides to traveling, exploring, and eating around the world (with a baby or toddler while staying sane 🙃) in as much of an affordable way as possible with everyone.

We realized how many folks don't realize it's possible, especially when looking for deals during off peak times, quick weekend getaways (even if to the next city over), and more. Even living comfortably as we are, we can't stay in the most expensive hotels, so we're always looking for great deals and hotel/restaurant/locations in general that will provide a great experience——not just 4-5 stars next to their name.

So we created an Instagram account to do just that! By doing so, our hope is that many more people have the chance to experience the privilege of getting to know the beautiful places, people, culture and food around the world. The page will also hold us accountable lol (hey, we’re parents that get exhausted too).

So go visit and follow @justgoingplaces. If we see it continues to grow, we’ll continue to add more to it! The more follows and engagement, the more we’ll be able to offer. We’re fresh from Whale watching, so look out for some stelllllarrr posts of some whales. Everyone expected nothing, but we got a pod of whales 10 feet from the boat. We’re back home now still taking it all in.

Where to next? One month across Europe from June to July. We’ll be sharing all the cities and dates soon. We hope you’ll follow along.

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